Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Larry Burns vs. Becky Ramsey | Part 1.0

Someone who did not have my permission (Joey speaking here) deleted a post titled Larry Burns vs. Becky Ramsey | Part 1.

I have changed passwords - again - and have granted administrator access to only two other people - Megan Gray and my webmaster.

The original contents of that blog post were located in a Cache file on Google, so the original contents are below.

[UPDATE]However, someone has deleted the original comments on the Chad Adams Resigns post. Those were some pretty controversial comments that were damaging to local real estate developer Larry Burns. Ironically, those were the only ones deleted, along with the blog post below.

However, if I find the person or persons involved in this, I have plenty of legal help to get even.

[[[Original Post: Larry Burns vs. Becky Ramsey | Part 1]]]

When The Ellis County Observer launched in October 2005, it was fueled in a large part by real estate investor/auto dealer Larry Burns and Rodney Pat Ramsey going at it over a few controversial issues pertaining to downtown Waxahachie’s location for the new justice center, jail and parking garage.

[Click Here to Read the 2005 Archives]

Now Ramsey’s wife, Becky, is at it with Burns over some reportedly disparaging remarks made in some facilities subcommittee meetings (this was stirred by me reporting rumors on a Burns for County Judge campaign.) The claims are that Burns more or less said voters in Ellis County are too “stupid” to make decisions on certain county issues and that he referred to people of Middle Eastern heritage as (a) “towel-heads” or (b) “sand-niggers” or (c) wait until we release the written recorded meeting minutes to find out for sure.

It should be noted that: Ramsey ran for county/district attorney against Burns’ “boy,” Joe Grubbs. The Waxahachie Daily Light stabbed Ramsey in the back, the heart, the sides, the face, the legs, and probably beat up his wife in the process multiple times, which is why Ramsey no longer speaks with the WDL. (or writes for them)

This is classic Establishment vs. Non-Establishment.

I’ll let the readers judge - and post responses unedited - for themselves:

[Original Blog Post:]
From: Becky Ramsey
Would that be the same larry burns who insinuated that the citizens of ellis county were too dumb to make their own decisions?…the same one who used racially insensitive remarks in a public forum (which were recorded in the minutes)?…the same one who served on a facilities committee for a year, helped waste a few thousand tax dollars and then admitted they had accomplished nothing during their tenure?…the same one who swallowed any pride he may have had to kiss up to Judge Adams for board appointments? it the same one who attempted to get me fired for a letter to the editor written by my husband?…that guy? yeah, thats what we need..another completely unqualified candidate short on brains and quick to anger…but then again, he probably doesn’t have anything better to do and that seems to be a qualification around here lately…lets elect the guy with the least experience and ability…that always a good idea…jeesh.

More responses:

[Original Post:]
From: Larry Burns
I think that most Ellis County citizens realize that my service on three different facilities commitees as well as service with The Friends of Ellis County, who were instrumental in the passing of the bond, has been to assure that what happened in the past would not happen again. The person that made the racially insensitive remarks you reffered to was not me and was not invited back to serve on subsiquent commitees at my suggestion, perhaps you need to read the transcript again. I think you failed to mention that you and your husband Rodney Ramsey were speculating on property accross the street from the Justice Center at the time the original facilities group met, and we were’nt moving fast enough to suit you, resulting in much discourse. Chad Adams was never pleased at seeing me serve in any capacity and never appointed me to anything. Becky you took information meant for your employer, who’s property was later purchased by the county and shared it to your husband who used that information in a letter to the editor. I informed your employer that we would no longer be allowed to meet informally because of this breech and what your employer did after that is none of my concern. I have never announced my intention of running for County Judge and have no intention to do so. I have however, been asked to consider filling the un-expired term and I said I would consider it. If your intent is to help Bob Carroll get elected I think you should tell Bob in advance that you intend to use inflamatory remarks on his behalf and let him decide if he needs your help. Bob Carroll is an honorable man and a friend and I doubt he approves of such behavior on his behalf.

Larry Burns

[UPDATE] Unfortunately, again, certain comments originally posted detailing the back-and-forth exchange between Burns and Ramsey are gone. Totally. Someone who did not have my permission deleted the content.